When to Automate

Every business owner sees opportunities to do things better; it’s the very core of entrepreneurship. If you work in your business every day, it may be time to step back and identify ways to work on your business. Automating manual processes that keep you and your employees from delivering the best human experience can quickly lead to the likelihood someone would recommend your product or service. 

Often, an outcome of diving into employee and customer experiences is the identification of opportunities to re-imagine roles and responsibilities. Sometimes, this means growing existing skillsets or hiring for newly identified skill needs complementary to technology implementation. Ideally, every opportunity identified should be evaluated for ease of implementation and likelihood to improve customer experience. Then, the most highly rated opportunities can be tested through lean experiments directly with your customers before any further investment is made. 

At BHC we do this through Journey Mapping and Service Blueprinting. These methods are complementary to identify opportunities for automation or integration of existing systems that improve the human and customer experience. We take an arts-and-crafts approach to quickly learn about your business and help you meet and exceed your goals.

Contact BHC today to learn more.


Leaning into Lean Experiments


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